Essay on my garden 

Essay on my garden in English

My garden is a small but beautiful part of my home. It is a place of peace and solace and I find solace in it. I am the only one who tends to it, which makes it even more special to me.

The garden is made up of a variety of plants and flowers that I carefully tend to. My favorite flower is the rose and I have planted several of them in different colors. There are also various other plants that I have chosen such as lavender, daisies, peonies, and sunflowers.

In the morning, I often take a walk in the garden and just enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of the flowers. The sun shines in the garden during the day and the scent of the flowers is so fragrant. In the evenings, I take a few minutes to sit in the garden and enjoy the beauty of the stars. The peaceful atmosphere is absolutely calming.

I also use my garden for other purposes. For example, I have used it as a place to relax and meditate. The garden is also used to grow some of my own vegetables and fruits. I have planted tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and cucumbers. It is always nice to have fresh produce from my own backyard

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