THE KUMBH FAIR ESSAY IN ENGLISH | Essay on the Kumbh fair

Kumbh Fair: The Kumbh Fair, is held in Allahabad every 12 years. It is a joyous and passionate celebration organised on the bank of the triveni, i.e., where the three rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati merge with each other, to form a unique sangam. It lasts for 45 days with various auspicious days for taking the holy bath, or shahi snap, as these are called. The fair is the largest congregation of human beings in the world.

Its Significance: The Kumbh is really a festival connected to the Hindu religions. But this does not stop followers of other religions from taking pleasure of this great holy festivity. Even though several religious parties do not recommend it, several Muslims, Sikhs and Christians break this religious barrier to take a dip in the holy water.

What Happens There: Even though the Kumbh is always in the danger of terrorist attacks and mishaps such as drowning, stampedes etc, the local authorities are careful on this occasion and are constantly on the alert. Despite the chances of a catastrophe, many people dare these dangers because the dip in teh holy waters means more than just a bath to them. The dip in the triveni is oddly satisfying and comforting, even thought the water is cold. After the dip, it makes one feel free earthly possessions.

Conclusion: Hence, the Kumbh Mela is a symbol social equality. It benefits the unity and integrity of the nation, because no religion teaches enmity against followers of other religions.

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