Essay on a flood scene | A flood scene Essay

Causes of Floods: India is a land of rivers. So floods are very common here, particularly during the monsoon season.There are many causes of floods. Sometimes it rains too heavily within a short time. Rivers cannot carry away all the water; so it overflows and spreads over a large area, causing a flood. Sometimes dams are damaged and cause flooding of downstream areas.

An Actual Flood: Forty families live near the river Yamuna in our small village. We have built our houses on rocky ground above the river banks. During the last monsoon we had torrential rain for more than a day. Soon the river overflowed its banks. We saw large sheets of water surrounding our village. We realised that soon the water would reach up to the level of our houses. So we evacuated the village and moved to higher ground, where we temporarily took shelter in an old cattle shed.

Results of the Flood: In our neighbouring big village, the flood caused a great loss of human life and property, as it was built at a lower level. Most of their crops were damaged, some trees uprooted, many houses washed away and cattle drowned. Many families in that village were rendered homeless.

Relief Measures: The Government made a big camp for the flood victims. Food was supplied to them free of cost. To save the people from the possible attack of diseases, all precautions were taken. The people in the camp were given medical aid. We also stayed in this camp for two days. However, the condition of the people was very miserable as they had to stand like beggars in queues for food.

Conclusion: All families living in flood-prone areas should be trained for mitigating the effects of floods. It is the responsibility of the government to do so.

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