Essay on YOUR IDEA FOR A CULTURED MAN for Students and Childrens

Meaning of 'Cultured': The dictionary meaning of 'cultured' is given as 'refined and well educated'. However, my idea of a cultured man is much more than this.

Qualities of a Cultured Man: First of all, I feel that a person who respects everyone he meets, regardless of position in society, is cultured. Thus, he will respect beggars, vagabonds and other such characters also, besides others. Another quality ho has is sympathy for everyone including those who annoy him. Taus he will sympathise with both his friends and enemies when they need his sympathy. Of course, a cultured man is a perfect gentleman, i.e., he does not cause any kind of harm, physical or mental, to other. This especially applies to others who are Younger than him, women, and those who are weaker than him or otherwise not able to retaliate effectively.

He should also be honest; he should not pretend to be what he is not. This will ensure that he is respected in society. He should not boast about his achievements or take satisfaction in self-pity for his failures. Further, a cultured man will develop his abilities and talents so that they can be put to good use for benefitting others. It means that he should always try to improve himself. However, the most desirable quality that a cultured man shouted have is a sense of humour. He should be able to observe and articulate the amusing side to any situation. This quality will make him popular with all.

Conclusion: I will also consider a man cultured if he has the last quality I mentioned and the qualities of a perfect gentleman. What I have given is my idea of the ideal cultured man.

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