Introduction :- We all are living in the age of science. Every aspect of human life today is governed by the science. It has changed man's ways of living and thinking. Time and distances have been shortened. In some aspects, science has won even the forces of nature.A.K. Smith has written: "In the sky above, on the earth below and down to the ocean has reached the triumphant car of science." 

Blessing of science-a good servant :- The blessing of science are really very great. If used properly, science is infact a boon to all human beings. It can serve us like an obedient servant. It leads us to comfort and happiness. Science has provided us thousands of gifts to enrich our comforts and joy.

Machines have made man's life easy and comfortable. They have saved us from unnecessary toil. It is now possible to produce things more quickly and on a very large scale. Electricity is a very wonderful invention. It gives us glaring light. It runs our machines, factories, trains, buses etc. It keeps our rooms hot or cold as per our need.

Means of transport have made the journey easy, fast and convenient. Radio, television, cinema and VCR etc. give us recreation and joy. New drugs and treatment methods have prolonged the life of human beings. Even fatal and dangerous diseases can be cured easily. The field of communication has been entirely changed due to telephone, mobile phone and internet etc. As a matter of fact, science can serve us like a good servant.

Curses of science - a bad master :- But every things is not good with science. It can also prove very harmful and dangerous, Machines are made to be man's servant, but they are becoming a very bad master. Man has become fully dependent on machines. He has become lazy, lethargic and ease-loving. The dreaded weapons like atom bombs can destroy the entire world in no time. Since most of the works are down by machines, people have become jobless. Thus, science can also prove a curse to the people..

Conclusion:- It can be concluded that science is both good and bad. It can be a blessing as well as a curse. If it is used in the service of man, it can serve us like good servant, but if it is. used for destructive purposes, it can prove a very bad master. Keeping its good and peaceful aspects in view, Prof. C.E.M. Joad has said, "Science has given us powers fit for the gods yet we use them like little children." This statement shows that science is useful as well as harmful. Now it depends on man whether he proves it a blessing or a curse to the entire human civilization.

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