Essay on The Educated Mother: A Gift To The Family

Introduction : The place of mother is great at is the backbone of family. She cores not only her children but also every member of family children can't live happily without mother even for a single moment.

Importance of mother : Praising mother hood W.R. Wallace has said, "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world, "It is the mother who has the greatest influence on the child. The child is with its mother all day and night. It is the mother who feeds it and takes care of it. It learns the first lesson on its mother's Knee. Shiva ji became great due to the teachings of her mother. President Lincoln once said, "I am what my mother made me."

Role of an educated mother :- An educated mother plays an important role in making the career of her children. The future of a country depends on the children. Home is the first training school of a child and mother is the first teacher. This is why Napoleon said, "Give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation, "Thackray said, "Mother is the name for God in the lips and heats of little children, " So if mother is educated, It is a boon for her children."

Qualities of My mother :- My mother's name is Kamla Devi.She has many good qualities, she is kind. She is sweet tempered. She is never worried. He smiling face is full of grace. She is religious-minded. She believes in God and worships him daily. She is never idle. She herself does all the domestic work she respects my father and loves me very much. She gets up early in the morning and is the last person to go to bed. She generally says.

"Early to bed and early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Conclusion :- Mother influences her children. They learn good manners from her. My mother has influenced my life very much. I am an early riser. I never put off my work for tomorrow. So, I love my mother.

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