Essay on The Aim of Your Life|Choice of A Profession

Essay on The Aim of Your Life|Choice of A Profession

Introduction :- Each and every person has an aim of his life. It is almost impossible to progress in life without having an aim. An aim or ambition inspires a person to do hard work and achieve the goal of his/her life. It has been rightly said, "A man without an aim is like a boat without a rudder in the river".

Importance of Ambition or Aim :- The choice of an aim or ambition is a very difficult issue. But the importance of an aim or ambition can never be denied. It is very difficult for a person to succeed in life without deciding the aim of life. Somebody has rightly said, "Imagination is essential, for it comes first because without imagination we are aimless".

My Choice of Aim :- After thinking about various professions, I have decided to select the profession of a teacher. I have not been a student of science. Therefore, I may not be an engineer or a doctor. I have not studied commerce subjects. So I am not fit for the job of accounts. Becoming an I.A.S. and P.C.S. officer is beyond my capabilities. The job of a teacher is a very respectful job. A teacher can serve the society and nation in the best possible manner. It is for all these reasons that I desire to be a teacher.

Advantages of my Profession :- The payment in the profession of teaching is comparatively very less. But it has several advantages. A teacher can give a great service to the nation. He prepares the future citizens of the nation. He cultivates good qualities in his pupils and plays very important role. He is called "the nation builder". There is a great respect and reputation of teaching profession in the society.

Conclusion :- I believe in simple living and high thinking. I am an honest and hardworking man. I like to help and serve the poor. Besides, I am not a money-minded person. The profession of a teacher suits me most. Therefore, I have an ambition to become a teacher. May God help me to achieve my aim of life.

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