Essay on Plastic Pollution|Essay advantages and band of single use plastic

Essay on Plastic Pollution

Plastic are a major cause of environmental pollution. Plastic as a substance is non-biodegradable and thus plastic bags remain in the environment for hundreds of years making it highly polluting. Banning plastic bags has become a must before completely ruining our planet. Many countries around the world have either banned or imposed a levy tax on plastic bags. However, the problem is not completely resolved as the implementation of these measures has not been as successful.

Uprise of Plastic Pollution

Plastic bags has become one of the most commonly used materials. It is seen everywhere from supermarkets to common homes these days. Why is it like this? Why is the use of plastic increasing instead of decreasing? The main reason is that plastic is very cheap. It costs less as compared to other alternatives like paper and fabric.That's why it's so common

Secondly, it is very easy to use. Plastic can be used for almost anything, be it liquid or solid. Moreover, it comes in different forms which we can easily mold.

what's more, we see that plastic is a non-recyclable material. It does not leave the face of the earth. We cannot dissolve plastic in land or water, it lasts forever. Thus, greater use of plastics means more and more plastics that will not dissolve. Thus, the rise of plastic pollution is happening very fast.

Should plastic be banned 

Some of the problems caused by plastic bags are as follows:-


Plastic bags are non biodegradable. In such a situation, the biggest challenge is the disposal of plastic.

Environmental degradation

They are destroying nature with their harmful effects. Plastic bag have become a big cause of land pollution today. Plastic bags entering water bodies are a major cause of water pollution. So we can conclude that they are spoiling our environment in every possible way.

Harmful to animals and sea creatures

Animals and sea creatures unknowingly consume plastic particles with their food. Research shows that waste plastic bags have been a major cause of premature death of animals.

Cause of disease in humans

Toxic chemicals are released from the production of plastic bags. These are the main causes of serious illness. Polluted environment is a major cause of various diseases which are easily spread among human beings.

Clogged sewage

Waste plastic bags are the main cause of clogging of drains and sewers especially during rains. This can lead to a flood-like situation and disturb the normal life of the people.

Reasons for banning plastic bags

There are many reasons why governments of various countries take strict measures to limit the use of plastic bags. Some of these include:

  • Waste plastic bags are highly polluting the land and water.
  •  Plastic bags have become a threat to the life of the animals living in the water as well as the earth.
  • Chemicals released from plastic waste bags get mixed into the soil and make it infertile.
  • Plastic are having a negative effects on human health.
  • Plastic bags cause drainage problems.

Public support for plastic bag ban

Although the Government of India has banned the use of plastic bags in many states. But people are still carrying these bags. Shopkeepers stop giving plastic bags for a few days in the very beginning.

It is time we all should do our bit to make this ban a success. Thus we the educated section of the society should take the responsibility to stop the use of plastic bags. In this way we can support the government in this campaign.

Some of the Grant people can make are as follows:

Keep a tab

To be successful in this mission, we must keep reminding ourselves about the harmful effects of plastic bags on our nature and keep an eye on their use. Gradually we will get used to working without these bags.

Explore options

There are many eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags such as reusable jute or cloth bags.


We should reuse the plastic bags we already have in our home as often as we can before throwing them away.

Spread awareness

While the government is spreading awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags, we can also spread awareness through word of mouth.


Although plastic is becoming a major threat to all of us, yet this problem is often overlooked and underestimated. That's because people don't notice the long-term impact of these small, easy-to-carry bags they use in their daily lives. Apart from all this, people keep using bags for their convenience. But now everyone has to completely stop using plastic bags to save their environment and the earth.

Read more :- Clean India Mission Essay

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