The Value of Health in Life Essay|Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth Essay for Students and Children | Essay Health is Wealth
Health is Wealth Essay

Health is the most valuable of all earthly possessions. Health means physical, mental as well as social sound state of a person.

A man realises the value of health only when he has lost it. The loss of health is the greatest misfortune that a man can suffer from. No pleasure of the world can comfort a sick man. 

A sick man passes unhappy days and sleepless nights. Everything, however sweet and pleasant it may be appears to him tasteless.

Instead of having the kingdom of the whole earth with his sick health he would prefer the humble at of a poor but healthy beggar. The blessings of health are very great indeed. In other words-health is wealth.

We should observe the following things:-

Whether you eat carbohydrate rich refined foods or a balanced diet containing wheat, proteins, fruits, vegetables and water, ensure to make supplements part of your diet to fill the nutrition gap that gets created due to our poor eating habits and hectic lifestyle.

Ensure you sleep at least 6-8 hours any given night as that helps to rejuvenate your body.

Do they figure in your daily life ? If so, it is time to quit them now. You are lucky, if you never indulged yourself any of this.

If you snack constantly on salty and sweet savouries confine their purchases and stocks at home. Buy fresh fruits and dry fruits instead to meet your snack needs.

If you drink any of the aerated drinks or packed juices consider substituting them with fresh lime plain, and freshly squeezed juices with no added sugar. If you must eat out, order small portions and share

them with your lunch/dinner partner.Walk to the grocery store or milk booth. Walk to and from work. If there is a staircase at work then walk up the entire staircase a few times over, go straight to the gym from work before you head home.

A well-balanced diet alongwith exercise, adequate rest and positive attitude is the core to good health.

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