Essay on Vocational Education for Students and Childrens

Vocational Education Essay

Today we live in a new age in which democratic values are recognized. Democracy means that every individual shallbe given equality of opportunity. The son of the poor men will have as good a chance as the son of the rich man

To pick out those who show special aptitude is not an easy task. From the school stage children will have to be carefully watched and their special interests studied. No two human beings are alike just as no two petals of a flower are exactly the same. We have to make a rough classification of students according to their aptitudes.

A extravert child is sociable, does not like to be alone, plays games and takes part in debates. The introvert child will be suitable for professions which call forth activity of the mind. Perhaps if a child is not too much of an extrovert and not too much of an-introvert he may become an administrator, a politician, a statesman or an ambassador.

In this way we will be able to determine a child's vocation in life. We all like change and hate monotony. If a child is told that he is to be a teacher and must take to reading hard, a time will come when he will begin to hate the sights of books. We must not force our decision upon our child. We must be perfectly right and be doing everything in the childs interests.

We have a bright future for vocational training in India. Vocational training in schools, colleges and universities is the slogan. Government can employ only a limited number but the pace with which the industrialization of India is proceeding and its foreign trade going up millions of young man can be absorbed. The sooner younger generation learn some trade, some vocation the better it is.

FAQ - Essay on Vocational Education

Question.1 :- How vocational education is different from traditional education?

Ans.- In traditional education the main accentuation is on teaching and learning of theoretic materials. But vocational education accentuations on learning and teaching of practical knowledge. Also, vocational education makes the person job ready.

Question.2 :- What is the father of vocational education?

Ans.- Charles Allen Prosser is known as the father of vocational education. His aim was to improve the education system of the country which later reformation the world

Read more :- Mission Digital India

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