Essay on India in 2050 

Essay on India in 2050
Essay on India in 2050

India is fully geared up in beginning of the twenty-first century to meet glorious future. Under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi country is leaping forward firmly. He has brought about a sea-change in the attitude and aspirations of the countrymen. He has

developed result-orient work culture. Now at the helm of affairs, we in India can look forward to comfortable and settled life by the year 2050.

Upto that very time poverty in the country will have been minimised, if not completely abolished. Every citizen of the land, irrespective of his caste, colour, sex or religion will be entitled to the basic facilities of life. Such facilities will include free universal education, employment, housing. health and medicare.

Upto that time the state will take upon itself as its duty. to look after every citizen from cradle to grave, and in return will expect us all to put our best foot forward for the betterment and progress of the nation. No quarter will be given to shirkers or antisocial elements in any sphere of life. Workers will get their rightful due when we step into the years of 2050. 

They will no longer be dependent upon the mercy and short shift to callous employers or politicalized unions. They will be equal partners in the progress of industry. We hope at that span of time there will be no place for strikes, lockouts and gheraos in our national life.

In the field of agriculture, higher productivity and diversification from cereals to oilseeds is a must. Recent advances in the field of sciences and technology must be fully utilized with continued emphasis on self reliance and technological upgradation. Reforestation and steps to stem mounting environmental pollution will be among our major national priorities.

The year 2050 will saw the financial climate as the conducive to progress. The period will be stability in business and industry. Government offices will be free completely from bureaucratic red-tapism and avoidable delays. At that period plan and projects will be expeditiously executed to the common good of all Indians.

Read More - Future World in 2050 Essay

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