Essay on An Accident Or A Bus Accident

Essay on An Accident Or A Bus Accident

Hints 1. Introduction, 2. Nature and cause of accident, 3. Condition of the passengers, 4. Help, 5. Conclusion.

Introduction - Accidents of buses, cars, scooters and tongas are very common in big cities. We read about them in newspapers almost every day. They are more common in big cities than in small towns. I saw an accident with my own eyes.

Nature and cause of Accident - One day my two friends and I were going to Agra by bus. When the bus reached near Farah, a tonga was seen coming from the opposite direction. The bus driver blew the horn. Hearing the sound of the horn, the horse of the tonga began to run about in terror. The tonga driver lost all control over the horse. In no time the tonga collided against our bus.

Condition of the passengers - The tonga driver and two passengers of the front seat died on the spot. The passengers of the back seat were thrown away and got serious injuries. They were crying aloud with pain. The tonga was badly crushed Help - The people from nearby village rushed to the spot. Two constables also arrived in no time. The wounded persons were sent to the hospital in a car.

Conclusion - My friends and I reached Agra two hours late. The scene of that fearful accident is still fresh in my mind. The careless driving of the tongaman was the cause of the accident.

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