The Prize Distribution Function Essay

Hints- 1. Introduction, 2. Preparations, 3. Programme, 4. Distribution of prizes.

The Prize Distribution Function Essay

Introduction - The prize distribution function is an important day in the history of every school or college. The last prize distribution function of our college took place on January 23, 2016. The District Inspector of Schools presided over the function.

Preparations-The college building was whitewashed and given a bridal look. The college hall was beautifully decorated. On the dais were placed a table and two chairs, one for the President of the program and the other for the Principal. On the floor there were chairs for the teachers. There were benches for the students. The prize winners were sitting near the dais. The prizes were arranged on big tables.

Programme - The chief guest came at 2 p.m. He was received by the Principal and a senior teacher of the college. The N.C.C. cadets gave him a guard of honour. As soon as he entered the hall, all the students stood up. The function began with the school prayer. Then there was a one-act play. After this our Principal read out the Annual Report of the college.


Distribution of Prizes - The President gave away prizes to the winners with a broad smile on his face and advised all the students to work hard. Every prize winner was cheered. Then he made a short speech. He congratulated the prize winners. He praised the Principal and the teachers for their good work. Then the Principal thanked him and other guests.

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