Essay on Pollution in English

Essay on Pollution in English

Hints - 1. What is pollution ? 2. Sources of pollution, 3. How does it harm ? 4. How can it be checked? 5. Conclusion.

Essay on Pollution in English

What is pollution? Air, water, soil and the enviornment are the natural wealth of our planet. They support the life of all living beings on the earth. But now they are getting mixed with unwanted elements. This is known as pollution. This pollution is harmful for life.

Sources of Pollution - Today man is using machines in every walk of life. These machines throw out smoke and waste materials which got mixed in the air and water and also in the soil. Peaceful atmosphere is polluted with the unwanted noise.

How does it harm - Pollution is harmful for living conditions. Air pollution may cause lung disease asthama, eye flu etc. Water pollution results in outbreak of cholera. Noise pollution is harmful for people's physical and mental health.

How can it be checked - There should be an awareness among the people.The more we depend on modern technology, the more serious will be the problem of pollution. Some of us spread pollution for a greater personal profit. This tendency must stop.

Conclusion - We wish for a long, healthy, useful and blissful life. For this our enviornment should be free from pollution.

Essay on Pollution in English

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