My Favourite Hero (Shivaji)

Hints-1. Introduction, 2. His early life, 3. His bravery, 4. His qualities.

Essay on My Favourite Hero (Shivaji)

Introduction - India is a land of great heroes like Shivaji, Rana Pratap and Subhash Chandra Bose. Shivaji is my favourite hero of Indian history.

His early life - He was born in 1627 in Bijapur. The name of his mother was Jija Bai. She was a religious-minded lady. His father was a small jagirdar. He got his education at Poona. He was very fond of horse-riding. He learnt riding and use of arms at an early age. He was courageous from his childhood. Swami Ram Das was his spiritual teacher.

His bravery - He was fearless and brave. He fought bravely. The king of Bijapur, Afzal Khan wanted to punish him. Shivaji killed him with his dagger. He attacked Shaista Khan. He fought bravely against Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb put him into prison but Shivaji escaped by a trick. He had great prudence.

His qualities - He had many qualities. He was a wise ruler. He made a strong nation of the Marathas. In his attacks he had respect for the holy places of all religions. He gave money and land for Hindu temples, Muslim saints and mosques. He had a great respect for his teacher Swami Ram Das who was a great saint of Maharashtra. He was a great patriot, a good administrator and a national hero.

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