Essay on My College

Essay on My College

Hints - 1. Name and site, 2. Building, 3. Teachers and students, 4. Library, 5. Discipline and result.

Name and site - The name of my college is Champa Agrawal Inter College, Mathura. It is in the heart of the city. It is on the main road which goes from Holi Gate to Bharatpur Gate. It is the biggest and the oldest college of Mathura.

Building - The building of the college is grand. The main gate is very high and is made of stone. There are sixty five rooms in the college. All are airy well ventilated and spacious. Mando Bai Hall is in the centre of the building.

Teachers and students- There are ninety teachers in the college. All of them are trained and experienced. They are kind to us. They teach us with love and care. Our Principal is gentle, learned and a strict disciplinarian. There are three thousand students in the college. They take part in games, scouting and debates. They are well-behaved.

Library - My college has a rich library. It has more than five thousand books on different subjects. Each student is given a library card. He gets two books of his choice at a time for two weeks. A reading room is attached to the library. We read newspapers and magazines there in our free period.

Discipline and result - The discipline of the college is good. The students are disciplined and well-behaved. The result of the college has always been very good. I am proud of my college.

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