The Festival of Holi

Hints: 1. Introduction, 2. Time of celebration, 3. The legend behind it, 4. How it is celebrated, 5. Conclusion.

The Festival of Holi Essay

1. Introduction-India is a land of fairs and festivals. The Hindus, the Muslims and the Christians have their own festivals. Holi is an important festival of the Hindus. It is a festival of joy and friendship.

2. Time of celebration-It is celebrated in the month of March the spring season. The spring is the best of all seasons of the year. It marks the end of winter and the beginning of summer. 

3. The legend behind it-It is celebrated in the memory of devotee Prahlad. He (Prahlad) had great faith in God. His father Hiranyakashipu, gave him torture but he did not give up his faith in God. Hiranyakashipu asked his sister Holika to sit in a flaming fire with Prahlad in her arms. Holika was burnt to ashes but Prahlad remained untouched by the flames.

4. How it is celebrated-Holi is burnt at night at many places in the city. Drums are beaten. People dance and sing songs. They smear one another's face with 'gulal'. They eat, drink, dance and make merry. They embrace one another. They share the sweets prepared in the house. 

5. Conclusion-In fact, Holi is a festival of colours. If fills our hearts with joy and happiness.

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