Essay on Diwali

Essay on Diwali

Introduction - Dipawali is a famous festival of Hindus. It is the festival of light. It is celebrated all over India. Hindus celebrate it with great pomp and show.

Time and reason :- It is celebrated on Kartik Amawasya. There are many stories about Diwali. Some people believe that on this day Lord Ram came back to Ayodha after fourteen years from the forests. So the people lighted earthen lamps in their houses to welcome him. The Jains believe that Lord Mahavir got "Nirwan" on this day. Some people believe that Lord Krishna killed demon Narkasur on this day.

How is celebrated ? It is the festival of joy people are in high spirits. People clean their houses and shops. They white wash them. They decorate their houses and shops. Lamps are put every where. People light colourful candles, sweets and gifts are exchanged. Children play with fireworks. At night people worship Laxmi, the goddess of wealth.

Drawback:- This festivals has some drawbacks also. Some people drink on this day. Some people gamble on deepawali. Thus they lose their hard earned money. There are many accidents due to fireworks. 

Conclusion:- Diwali is a good festival.

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