Annual Function of Your College

Hints:- 1. Time and Date, 2. Preparation, 3. Chief Guest and His Reception, 4. Cultural Programme, 5. Prize Distribution, 6. Conclusion.

Annual Function of Your College

1. Time and Date-Our annual prize distribution function took place on 26th January, the Republic Day. The function was held under a beautiful 'Shamiana'. The prizes were kept on a big table. There were chairs for the guests.

2. Preparation-The college was white-washed and decorated well. A carpet was spread from the gate up to the Shamiana. All the students were in their college un form. Teachers were busy with the arrangement.

3. Chief Guest and His Reception-The chief guest of the runction was Mr. Trilok Chandra. He was a popular leader. He also presided over the function. He arrived at the 'Pandal' at right time. When he came, our Principal garlanded him. The girls sang 'Vande Matram'. He was welcomed by the N.C.C. cadets. Thus, he was given a warm reception at his arrival..

4. Cultural Programme-A very attractive but short cultural programme was displayed. The girl students presented a very good song. After that, many poems and patriotic songs were sung. A play 'The Rani of Jhansi' was staged.

5. Prize Distribution-After cultural programme, the President stood to distribute prizes. I got a prize for boxing. My friend got five prizes. He was greeted and admired by everybody.

6. Conclusion-At the end of the function, President spoke a few words. He liked the school discipline. At 5 P.M., the function was over after, the Principal thanked the chief guest. We were given a holiday in honour of the function.

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