The Cow Essay in English

Hints-1. Colour and size, 2. Food, 3. Her habits, 4. Usefulness. 

The Cow Essay in English

1. Colour and size-The cows are of many colours. Some cows are white, some are black and some are brown. A cow is generally four feet high and six feet long. She has four legs, two ears, two horns and a long bushy tail. Most of them have two horns.

2. Food-The cow eats green grass and straw. She likes to eat oil cake also. She relishes green vegetables and fruitskins.

3. Her habits - The cow is a gentle animal. She does not hurt anybody. Some cows are so simple that children play near them. Hindus call her 'Gau Mata' and usually respect her.

4. Usefulness-The cow is very useful to us. She gives us milk. Her milk makes us healthy.It is very useful for the children. We make butter, ghee and curd from her milk. She gives us calves who pull carts and plough the fields. 

Her dung is used as manure and fuel. Shoes and other leather articles are made from her skin. We make combs, buttons and many other things from her horns. In short, the cow is a very useful animal. This is why the Hindus worship her.

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