The Ganga Essay

Hints - 1. Introduction, 2. From where does it rise and where does its journey end? 3. Why is it considered a holy river? 4. The legend behind it. 5. Its present state.

The Ganga Essay

Introduction - The Ganga is one of the biggest rivers of India. It is the longest river of India after Brahmaputra. The Hindus call it Mother Ganga.

From where does it rise and where does its journey end? - It rises from the Gangotri mountain in the Himalayas. After a long journey in hills and mountains it comes down in the plains at Haridwar. It flows down into the Bay of Bengal.

Why is it considered a holy river? - It is considered a holy river. Religious people take a dip in its water. They sing many songs and stories. Many dead bodies are also taken to its banks for cremation. Many sadhus and other religious people also live at its banks. Kumbh fair, the world's biggest one, is held in Haridwar and Allahabad.

The legend behind it - Some people say that Bhagirath brought this river from the Himalayas to the plains. Some believe that if one takes a dip in it, all his/ her sins are washed away. Thus it is considered holy.

Its present state - The Ganga has an important place in the hearts and minds of the Indians. Its water is used for generating electricity and for irrigation. The Ganga should be free from pollution. Our government is serious to make its water pure. We must also co-operate with the government.

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