Essay on Science for Students and Children

Science: A Blessing or Curse

Introduction: The present era is the era of science. Science has undoubtedly done a great service to mankind. There have been innumerable inventions. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We can not think of our modern life without science.

Blessings of Science: The discovery of electricity has changed our life. A number of means of recreation and communication have made life delightful. Science has lessened human sufferings. It has spread education among people. It has contributed also in the field of agriculture. Science has removed the distance of place.

Curses of Science: The invention of machinery and large scale production has resulted in insanitary living conditions and unemployment. The invention of atomic and hydrogen bombs has threatened the peace of the world. It is due to science that today man is so much lost in materialistic welfare.

Conclusion: The importance of science in our life cannot be denied. However, it should be used with care and caution. It should only be used for the welfare of humanity. To speak the truth science has both blessing and curse. Science without conscience is death of the soul.

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